Articles about sculpture painting

Irises in sculptural painting. The botanical structure of the flower

Irises in sculptural painting. The botanical structure of the flower

Irises in sculptural painting. The botanical structure of the flower

The Greeks gave these flowers the name of the goddess of the Rainbow, and in Russia they were called killer whales, cockerels or bear cucumbers. In China, this flower represents grace and tenderness, and in Japan it is a flower of courage. The image of this flower is on a fresco found on the island of Crete, which is about 4 thousand years old. And it's all about irises! Amazing, beautiful and graceful flowers.

According to open Internet sources, the genus has about 800 species and more than 40 thousand varieties. But the most interesting thing is that with a huge variety of shades, sizes, most irises have the same bud structure of 6 petals.

At first glance, it may seem that creating a voluminous iris from texture paste is simple. The iris has only 6 petals, not 20-30 like a rose. But these 6 petals are not as simple as it seems at first glance.

By Evgenia Ermilova

Iris petals are called perianth lobes, they are arranged in two tiers:

✅The 3 outer petals are lowered down. They are called lower or falls.

✅The 3 inner lobes of the iris form the upper tier. They are called upper or standards

But that's not all!

✅3 small fragments, similar to additional petals, are parts of an unusual pistil. They are called stiles, they are located in the very core of the bud and give additional splendor to the flower.

✅And when creating bearded irises, a mandatory element is a beard. Beginners often confuse location. The beards are located on the lower petals in the center!

The color of irises in different varieties can be: blue, purple, yellow, orange, pink, lilac, white and even blue-black. In addition, the upper petals of the iris can be of one color, and the lower ones of another. In some species of irises, the color is even more complex — with 3-4 different shades in one inflorescence.
How to choose from such a variety of colors to create irises?

Choose your favorite shades or try the color of the texture paste that you have wanted for a long time, but there was no reason to use. Analyze the selected shades according to the rules of color theory, whether they will look good in the picture. Or you can put a secret message through the meaning of the color of the irises in the picture: white – sincerity, yellow – a wish for well–being, lilac – an expression of tenderness, blue - loyalty, pink – a declaration of love.

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